
Coming soon…… Summer term 2023

Whilst children at Horning Primary and Hedgehogs have taken part in outdoor learning for some time now, we want to take this important learning approach to the next level and formally become a Forest School Association Recognised Provider by September 2023.  To have the quality of our provision endorsed by a national body will show we value Forest School as a vital part of our children’s development and are committed to the approach. Our qualified Level 3 Forest School leader, Sophie Geschke, is working with the Early Years staff and site team to develop the site.

We have many features which we’ve already been working on;

  • outdoor wooden shelter – a dry place when it’s raining too hard to be outside
  • composting toilet and changing shed
  • tool shed
  • new fencing, to safely enclose the Forest School area, 
  • fire pit and story circle

Sophie and her team are creating lots of new learning spaces but we also want the children to help develop those too, so we are leaving some areas to enable ‘real’ projects for your children to be proud of.

Work in Progress